As if the exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 controversy wasn’t enough, another alleged Samsung smartphone explosion case is now surfacing online. This time, Samsung reportedly faces a lawsuit after a Galaxy S7 Edge exploded inside the pocket of an Ohio resident.
The explosion allegedly gave Daniel Ramirez second and third degree burns on his groin, leg, and lower back. He had to undergo a complicated skin graft surgery, and is now under extensive physical therapy. The incident occurred in May, but the lawsuit has been filed recently, ClassAction claims.
It allegedly happened while Ramirez was working at a construction site. He had kept his Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in the front pocket, when it suddenly started emitting smoke, vibrating, and making noises. While trying to remove his smartphone, Ramirez suffered burns on his right hand first. Then, without any warning, the S7 Edge exploded giving him severe burns around the area of his front pocket, the lawsuit alleges.
It still remains unknown whether the same faulty SDI battery was lodged inside the S7 Edge and was the cause of the explosion. This is the first case of explosion of the S7 Edge that has come to light since its launch earlier this year. ClassAction notes that there are only subtle design differences between the S7 Edge and Galaxy Note 7. While the former has a 3600mAh battery, the latter has a bit smaller 3500mAh battery. Because the two smartphones are very similar in design, ClassAction asserts that a closer look at the S7 Edge is also needed, in light of Ramirez’s incident.
This comes as Samsung is knee deep in controversy because of exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 units. Samsung officially reported 35 cases when it announced Note 7 sales were being halted, while more reports of explosions have been coming in from around the world since.
Recently, a jeep in the US was set ablaze while the Galaxy Note 7 was kept inside the car to charge, and even a garage adjacent to the house caught fire after a Galaxy Note 7 was left to charge unattended. For now, Samsung has suspended sales and has expedited the exchange process. It is also reportedly expected to deactivate old Samsung Galaxy Note 7 units after September 30.