New GTA V Mod Brings Watch Dogs to Los Santos
It seems the modding community of Grand Theft Auto V keeps outdoing itself again and again. A new mod out…
Sony Wants to Trademark ‘Let’s Play’
It's fair to say you've come across a 'Let's Play' video in your time spent browsing the World Wide Web.…
Capcom Discusses Dragon’s Dogma PC Port, Possible Sequel
Action role-playing game Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is set to arrive on Windows PCs this week after the announcement last…
Uncharted 4 Has More in Common With The Last of Us Than You Think
Uncharted 4 is a mere three months away. What this means is the marketing machinery at Sony is getting primed…
GTA Online Is Down for PS4 Owners
It's been over 12 hours but it seems that GTA Online, the multiplayer component to smash hit GTA V, is…
Steam Winter Sale Proved to Be a Huge Success, Leaked Valve Report Tips
Steam Winter Sale statistics published by Valve on Monday were meant for its developer-partners only, but the data was accidentally…
Virtual Reality Headsets Can Trigger Motion Sickness, Nausea: Study
Regular virtual reality (VR) headset-users who play motion-heavy videos suffer the most from motion sickness and nausea, researchers have found.…
Latest PS Vita Firmware Update Makes It Unusable, Users Report
If you're one of the few who own the PS Vita, there's a good chance that your handheld might be…
The Division Windows Beta, Lacks Proper Anti-Cheat Technology, Ubisoft Aware of Issues
With Ubisoft's third-person role-playing game hybrid The Division having its beta extended by a day, PC users have taken to…
PSN Is Down for Most Users, Sony Investigating
Barely a month since its last outage, the PlayStation Network (PSN) is down again. Sony's online gaming service for the…