Kult Gladiator Review
HIGHLIGHTS The Kult Gladiator sports a 5.5-inch HD display It is powered by a MediaTek 6737 SoC and has 3GB…
Could AI Be the Future of Fake News and Product Reviews?
Credit: Scott Barbour Getty Images (eye); Daniel Sambraus Getty Images (screen) When Hillary Clinton’s new book What Happened debuted on Amazon’s Web site last month, the response…
smart lock in 2014, it bested the competition by pairing high design and high tech in a way that other…
Vivo V7+ Review
HIGHLIGHTS The V7+ sports a 18:9 aspect ratio, 5.99-inch HD display It has a 24-megapixel front camera and a 3225mAh…
Amazon redacts one-star reviews of Hillary Clinton’s What Happened
Shocking news … Hillary Clinton kicks off her book tour with a signing at Barnes & Noble in New York.…
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 1 ‘Awake’ Review
HIGHLIGHTS Life is Strange: Before the Storm is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC A total of three episodic…
Destiny 2 Reviews: Release Day Impressions Roundup
Destiny 2 has officially launched, and soon it will be available worldwide. Full reviews won't arrive just yet, but reviews-in-progress have…
Jennifer Lawrence’s ‘WTF’ mother! hailed in first reviews
Jennifer Lawrence’s latest film, the Darren Aronofsky horror film mother!, debuted at the Venice Film Festival on Monday and left critics…
We're less than two weeks out from the new IT movie, but heads-up for fans of Stephen King, Andy Muschietti, and that…
The Great British Bake Off review round-up: Critics praise Channel 4 show and Noel Fielding
The new Bake Off hosts Channel 4/Love Productions When Channel 4 announced they would be taking Bake Off from the BBC, many eyebrows…